Director’s Corner – April 2024

red, purple, and orange bouquet of flowers

Happy Volunteer Recognition Month! Join us as we thank all the amazing individuals who help contribute to the cause. Activity at Bugbee would grind to a halt without our volunteers. As spring is a bridge between winter and summer, our volunteers are a bridge between Bugbee and the community. We may measure their hours and number of assignments, but what they bring to Bugbee is hard to quantify. I think of how many activities are led by volunteers, and how many programs absolutely rely on volunteers to function. Thank you all for being part of the team, and for bringing your ideas and spirit to Bugbee!

No winter lasts forever, and no spring skips its turn. As I’m writing this, I am sore from spending most of the weekend shoveling two feet of snow from my walkways, and now it is bright and sunny! Never a dull moment during springtime in New England. Now, I didn’t spend the entire snowstorm shoveling, I did manage to do a lot of cooking, and curled up with a good book (Robert Putnam’s “Bowling Alone”). What do you do when you’re snowed in? Next time you swing by, tell us your favorite snow storm story!

Speaking of volunteers and memories, it has been a pleasure to work with some awesome volunteers putting together the story of Bugbee Senior Center. It’s quite the tale, and we’re excited to invite you into the Bugbee History Project. We’ll be displaying photos, and need your help identifying some of the people, activities, and stories that have made this place what it is today. Lots of good stuff coming up the next few months, enjoy reading through the Bulletin!

While we look forward to warmer weather, thank you for including Bugbee with your plans! See you soon!

Mark Bradley
Executive Director