Looking for a boost to your health and well-being?

Bugbee has partnered with BetterAge to help you get the most out of your own life, on your own terms. Small steps today can make a big difference. Take the first one today with BetterAge’s free and confidential 7-10 minute assessment about your health and well-being.

Then explore your personal health and well-being report and recommendations. This resource was developed by experts in aging services, positive psychology, gerentology, health, and medicine. See what other small steps might make sense for you! If you have any questions, or would like additional guidance or support after receiving your report, come chat with us! We’re here to help.

BetterAge's 3-stage program is designed to support you and your choices.


Start by taking the health and well-being assessment—because aging is not all about health, it’s also about living.

"I now know that I'm doing okay but I have some areas to focus on."


Explore your personalized health and well-being report and recommendations.

"The recommendations are specific to me, and easy to follow. The choice is always mine."


Know you are taking the right steps to make the most of your life.

"I feel great when I see that I've made progress on goals I set for myself."